School Sections

The school consists of 24 classrooms equipped with electronic tablets. Moreover, the school contains several facilities and vital sections, such as:
The school has several laboratories, such as the physics, chemistry and biology labs, as well as two computer labs.
The school has a library for the use of students and teaching staff. It contains several books, references, and various encyclopedias.
Other facilities supporting education
The school contains other facilities that support the overall education, such as an art room, music room, the gym, and a fully-equipped theater with 200 seats.
The social and educational guidance section
The school has a special section that offers social and psychological support for students, especially the orphan students. Moreover, the school offers educational classes that tackle pedagogical issues and cases from daily life.
Goals of the social and educational guidance section
- Providing support and guidance to the school’s students and the girls in the boarding section.
- Communicating with the parents of the students who need additional care and follow-up, on the academic, psychological and social levels.
- Conducting sessions with students, both individually and collectively.
- Giving programmed guidance lessons for students from 7th to 12th grade for all streams.
- Working on the professional guidance program, to enlighten the students from 11th and 12th grades about the specializations they can find in university, and help them determine their professional inclinations to reinforce their academic and social potentials.
- Promoting the Orphan Fostering Program locally and abroad.
- Reaching out to local and international donor organizations, in order to support the section’s activities, according to each organization’s conditions.
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